The Grain Sign Company are a market leader in the manufacture of bespoke 3D wooden signs that are utilised for many different applications across the country.
They contacted Western Air Ducts (UK) Ltd. as they were looking for a new wood waste extract system within their busy workshop in Cornwall, with specific requirements for an efficient and flexible system.
The Grain were aware that Western Air Ducts had carried out similar projects within the Devon and Cornwall area, and within a couple of days of the initial enquiry Western Air Ducts had sent one of their BOHS P602 accredited design engineers to site to go through specific requirements. The proposal submitted incorporated one of Western Air Ducts Inteliair® I20 dust filtration units that incorporate automatic filter cleaning and are ATEX compliant making them ideal for the extraction and filtration of wood dust.
To help the new system to be as efficient and flexible as possible the Inteliair® damper control system was specified for this project, this incorporated installing pneumatically operated control dampers on each of the points serving the individual wood working machines, by incorporating automatic switching the damper for each extract position remains closed until extraction from that machine is required thereby optimising the efficiency of the system. With this system The Grain have the opportunity to add further machines to their system in the future if they so wish on the basis that the maximum number in use concurrently does not increase.
The whole turnkey installation was completed within a week of starting and within a month of ordering as Western Air Ducts keeps an extensive range of Inteliair® products on site in their new manufacturing facility in Frome which enables us to design, build, install and commission a system in a very short period of time.